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Das Banner der Rhetos-Website: zwei griechische Denker betrachten ein physikalisches Universum um sie herum.

Sozialer Organismus



Der englische Philosoph Herbert Spencer (1820 bis 1903), Anhänger des Darwinismus und Vordenker eines radikalen Liberalismus beschrieb menschliche Gesellschaften in enger Analogie zu einem individuellen Organismus[1]. Er schrieb diesen sozialen Organismen aber ausdrücklich kein eigenständiges zentrales Bewusstsein zu. Dazu hier zwei Zitate.

Ähnlichkeiten zu einem Lebewesen

Originalzitat: "A social organism is like an individual organism in these essential traits: that it grows; that while growing it becomes more complex; that while becoming more complex, its parts acquire increasing mutual dependence; that its life is immense in length compared with the lives of its component units; that in both cases there is increasing integration accompanied by increasing heterogeneity."

Aber kein Bewusstsein

Originalzitat: "... the discreteness of a social organism ... does prevent that differentiation by which one part becomes an organ of feeling and thought, while other parts become insensitive. High animals [on the other hand] ... are distinguished ... by complex and well integrated nervous systems. ... Hence, then, a cardinal difference in the two kinds of organisms. In the one, consciousness is concentrated in a small part of the aggregate. In the other, it is diffused throughout the aggregate"
