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Etwa 90 Minuten für einen Umlauf um die gesamte Erde: die Internationale Raumstation in einer Höhe zwischen etwa 300 und 400 Kilometern über der Erdoberfläche. © Crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery => Zurück zum Artikel


Bildinfo und Lizenz


  • Etwa 90 Minuten für einen Umlauf um die gesamte Erde: die Internationale Raumstation in einer Höhe zwischen etwa 300 und 400 Kilometern über der Erdoberfläche.
  • Originalbeschriftung: Backdropped against water and clouds, the International Space Station was separated from the Space Shuttle Discovery after several days of joint activities and an important crew exchange. This photograph was taken by one of the crew of this mission from the aft flight deck of Discovery.
  • Das Bild hier ist gegenüber dem Original von links nach rechts gespiegelt.


  • Created: March 1st, 2001
  • Author: Crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery
  • Credit: NASA


  • This image is from the NASA Imaga Library.
  • On the website is the following note:
  • NASA content - images, audio, video, and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format - generally are not copyrighted. You may use this material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages. [This note was copied from the image gallery site on March 4th, 2020]


  • No guarantee can be given as to the correctness of facts implied or explicitly stated.
  • Usage is completey at your own risk. 💣


  • Das Bild ist Teil eines online-Lexikons.
  • Rhetos Lernlexikon Mathematik, Aachen:
  • Siehe unter => Umflaufzeit