Bildinfo und Lizenz
- Diese Spalte auf der Insel Island wird jedes Jahr um etwa 7 Millimeter breiter. Der Grund ist das Auseinanderdriften zweier Kontinentalplatten. Damit enternt sich auch Europa von Amerika um einige Millimeter bis Zentimeter pro Jahr.
- Schnorcheln in der Silfra-Spalte, einer Spalte zwischen den nordamerikanischen und eurasischen tektonischen Platten im Þingvellir-Nationalpark der Hauptstadtregion in Island.
- Created: August 16th, 2014
- Author: Diego Delso (Wikimedia Commons)
I, Diego Delso, have published this media under the terms of the license CC BY-SA which allows you to: Freely use and distribute it for non-commercial or for commercial purposes; Create derivative works of it - Under this condition: Credit me as the original author and use the same license. To do so add "Diego Delso, delso.photo, License CC-BY-SA" legibly next to the image. Please, use this work legally fulfilling the terms of the license! Please, let me know if you use this work outside Wikimedia Commons sending me an email on UserIconMail.svg Poco a poco or to diego(at)delso.photo with reference to the URL in the case of a website or to the ISBN/author/title in the case of a printed work or eBook. I am always very glad if you consider to send me a copy of the publication or a promocode for the eBook as gratitude for using my works. Note: No Facebook.svg This file has been released under a license which is incompatible with Facebook's licensing terms. It is not allowed to upload this file to Facebook.
- Furthermore, if you: want to use this work under other conditions, want me to rework this file out of the original RAW file, or get the RAW file, or search for a similar picture; please, do not hesitate to contact me.
- No guarantee can be given as to the correctness of facts implied or explicitly stated.
- Usage is completey at your own risk. 💣
- Das Bild ist Teil eines online-Lexikons.
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