Taan Fjord Tsunami
Bildinfo und Lizenz
- 18 Jahre vor dem großen Tsunami: Forscher erkunden die Ice Bay in Alaska.
- NOAA-Description: Lieutenant Bill Harrigan flying Bell 206 during Icy Bay current studies.
- Wikipedia: Icy Bay is a body of water in Southeast Alaska, formed in the last 100 years[timeframe?] by the rapid retreat of the Guyot, Yahtse, and Tyndall Glaciers. It is part of the Wrangell-Saint Elias Wilderness. At the beginning of the 20th century, the bay entrance was permanently blocked by a giant tidewater glacier face that calved icebergs directly into the Gulf of Alaska. A century-long[timeframe?] glacial retreat has opened a multi-armed bay more than 30 miles (48 km) long.
- Date: September 1977
- Author: Captain Budd Christman (Pilot)
- Credit: NOAA
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