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Ismen werden oft kontrovers diskutiert. Sie bezeichnen meist feste Überzeugungen und Lebenseinstellungen. Das Bücherregal im Hintergrund unterstreich den oft intellektuellen Charakter von Ismen. © Gunter Heim => Zurück zum Artikel


Bildinfo und Lizenz


  • Ismen werden oft kontrovers diskutiert. Sie bezeichnen meist feste Überzeugungen und Lebenseinstellungen. Das Bücherregal im Hintergrund unterstreich den oft intellektuellen Charakter von Ismen.
  • Das Bild wurde von einer künstlichen Intelligenz aus einem Text erzeugt: young males and females in controversial debate


  • Created: October 11th, 2022
  • Author: Gunter Heim


  • This image was created by an artificial intelligence (WOMBO):
  • Intellectual Property: All intellectual property in the Services protectable in any jurisdiction worldwide is and will remain the exclusive property of WOMBO and any licensors to WOMBO or third-party developers, if applicable.
  • Users may only use WOMBO’s trademarks and trade dress in accordance with these Terms, and may not otherwise use WOMBO’s trademarks or trade dress in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of WOMBO.
  • Users own all artworks created by users with assistance of the Service, including all related copyrights and other intellectual property rights (if applicable). Users must, as individuals or in a group, contribute creative expression in conjunction with use of the Service, such as in creating or selecting prompts or user inputs to use with the tools offered by the Service. Users acknowledge that artworks generated without creative expression from the user may not be eligible for copyright protection.
  • Regardless of the creativity of users, WOMBO cannot guarantee the uniqueness, originality, or quality, or the availability or extent of copyright protection for any artwork created by users with assistance of the Service.
  • You hereby grant WOMBO a worldwide, non-exclusive , non-sublicensable, royalty-free license to copy, reproduce, and display artworks you create using the Service for promotional purposes on the Service.


  • No guarantee can be given as to the correctness of facts implied or explicitly stated.
  • Usage is completey at your own risk. 💣


  • Das Bild ist Teil eines online-Lexikons.
  • Rhetos Lernlexikon Mathematik, Aachen: